To reduce student anxiety, it is important that the school provides sufficient time for students to transition from one educational setting to the next. At Depot Hill State School, we are proud to provide Step Into Prep every Tuesday from 9-11am for the 16 weeks prior to entry to Prep. Mrs Portch does a wonderful job of preparing our pre-prep students for life at our school. In recent weeks, the pre-prep students have been enjoying spending some time in the Prep classroom and becoming familiar with some of our routines.
The Year Six students have been taking part in a Sixcessful Transitions online programme every Wednesday morning and the Smith Family are providing a School Bag Programme on Wednesday afternoons which prepares the students for High School. Beginning this Friday at 2pm, staff from Rockhampton High School, Josh McGrath and Tyreese Conway, will be coming to Depot Hill to spend some time with the Year Five and Six students to develop relationships with the students who will be attending the School. All Year Six students are encouraged to attend the transitions day at the High School in which they have enrolled. These days will occur in early December, with the Rockhampton High School transition day being on the Wednesday, 6th December.