
Parent teacher communication


We encourage parents to keep in regular contact with the classroom teacher to maintain a positive and effective school/home partnership.  This includes:

Communicating absenteeism

Student absences from school should be reported by written note or email to the class teacher upon return to school or preferably by phone call to the school office on the first day of the illness. Unexplained absences greater than three days, will be followed up.  Regular attendance at school is very important for all students. A full record of student attendance is maintained and reported on the student report card.

Communicating parenting arrangements

If your child becomes the subject of a parenting agreement or formal custody order, it is imperative that you provide a copy of these documents to the administration team and make an appointment to share the implications for your child.  We keep a copy of these documents on file and inform the class teacher of the arrangements.  We work with you and relevant authorities including Child Safety and Queensland Police to ensure these orders are followed.  However, we can only do this effectively if documents on file are kept current and any changes are shared immediately with us.

Communicating medical concerns

Medication, prescribed by a doctor or dentist may be administered to students by school staff.

It is necessary to complete the medication form available from the office or forward a letter indicating the child’s name, the type of medication and dosage. The medication must be sent to the school office in its prescription container and administered according to the doctor’s instructions. (Panadol and cough mixtures will not be administered.)

Education Queensland regulations prohibit students carrying their own medication to school. We require that parents deliver medication to the office and collect after school or before weekends as needed.

A person authorised by the principal may administer medication, provided it is given strictly in accordance with instructions written on the medication container by the pharmacist. Pharmacists will provide additional containers upon request.

A school register is kept of all medication issued.  Non-prescribed medications should not be brought to school and will not be administered by school staff.

Students with severe medical conditions eg. diabetes, epilepsy, anaphylaxis etc. need to submit a detailed health plan prepared with the principal.

Communicating a willingness to volunteer

Volunteers are welcome in our classrooms through negotiation with the class teacher, in the tuckshop to support the convenor and at school fundraising events.  All volunteers must sign in through the office.

Communicating about academic progress and concerns

School-home liaison is facilitated through:

  • parent-teacher nights held at the beginning of each school year to inform you of curriculum, school and class expectations
  • end of semester written reports
  • regular parent-teacher interviews available at the end of term one and upon request and negotiation with the teacher.  

Communicating about a change of contact details

Please keep your contact details up to date by keeping the administration staff informed if you change phone numbers, emergency contacts or work details.  Complete a change of details form and forward to the office as required. 

Last reviewed 12 December 2019
Last updated 12 December 2019