Our school will celebrate its Centenary on the 18th September, 2021.
Please save this date and check this page regularly for updates about planned events, sponsorships and the centenary magazine.
Join us on facebook Depot Hill State School Centenary. Share some photos, like our page or contact us on
centenary@depothillss.eq.edu.au for more information.
Centenary Garden
The committee for the Depot Hill State School 2020 centenary have decided to create a garden which will become a namesake for the event. This garden will be located at the front of the school incorporating a paved area with seating provided to be used by students, staff, parents and community alike.
We will be offering past students, staff, community members and current families the opportunity to buy a brick and have their family name engraved and placed within this paved area along with the school logo.
We are envisaging this area to grow as the years go by resulting in a permanent reminder of family and friend who have been moulded by their experiences at Depot Hill State School. If you or you know someone who would like to purchase a brick, please contact the school via email or the school facebook page. The bricks are selling for $25 which includes engraving - maximum 17 characters per line, maximum 3 lines per paver. If you would like an order form contact the school (07) 4922 1795 or email centenary@depothillss.eq.edu.au.
Centenary Book
As part of the 2020 centenary, Depot Hill State School will be publishing a memorabilia book. The cost of the book will be $35. If you would like to contribute to the book you can buy a page for $5 and submit a story, photo or a memory of your time at Depot Hill State School.
Books can be pre-ordered and paid for in advance, collection will be on the day.