It has been great to have Andrew, the school dentist, at Depot Hill this week. If you have not returned your dental forms, please do so as soon as possible. Andrew is also taking some time to speak to each class about the correct way to look after your teeth. Our Year 5/6s were asked to write five facts which they had learned after his talk and these are some of the facts they took away:
- Most bacteria build up is where the teeth meet the gums so turn your brush on a 45 degree angle and brush up into your gums
- Don't rinse out your mouth after brushing as it washes off the toothpaste which strengthens your teeth
- Sugar combined with bacteria creates decay in teeth
- Flossing is an essential part of good dental care which 95% of people do not do properly
- Don't forget to brush your tongue and gums – this is important too!